From the moment I walked into Ava's party, love was overflowing throughout the room. It was Ava's first birthday, and I was there to cover it for Country Weekly because this little doll belongs to one lucky mommy and daddy... Amy and James Otto. I couldn't turn my head without my eyes being met by little bits of love disguised in hot pink and blue. Amy and her family had outdone themselves with the amazing decor and thoughtful entertainment perfectly fit for a one year old. But there was someone in the room whose eyes were bigger than mine, and that was little Ava. I have never seen a one year old baby who was more appreciative of their first birthday party. Ava blew me away with how she went around the room and took in each detail that had been lovingly prepared for her. She danced to the music, played the games, hug the presents, and kissed the guests. These two amazing parents had spent a year creating a miniature version of themselves. At the end of the party I was hoping that the Ottos would adopt me too, but no such luck. The party was over and I had to go. I am just so glad this little monkey gets to stay with them forever...