Last night, Maddy comes up to me at the football game wearing one shoe. Not a surprise. She took her shoes off at the game and a boy stole them, wore them, and ditched them. Today, like the finder that I am I decided to go looking for them. A little history about me, I have the gift of finding things. Lucky for me the setting of the shoe search was a football stadium. It was time to to turn a search into a work out. With my eyes peeled to the ground I fast-walked the field surrounding the stadium, ran up and down the bleachers, took a few short sprints on the track, and figured out that I needed to buy a good sports bra. I searched every inch of the stadium, even the boy's bathroom which I have to say is amazingly different than the girl's bathroom. Two hours later I was hot and sweaty, but I was not about to give up. Hands on hips, I stopped for a moment to survey the scene. Athlete vs. field, needle finder vs. haystack, mom vs. crazy boys of the world. If I were a crazy boy trying to be mean to a girl, where would I hide a shoe? The bushes...no. Over the fence...no. As I scanned further, my eyes came to a sudden halt when they saw the gold mine... the sand pit. This is exactly where any respectable boy {or cat hiding poop} would hide a treasure. I began my new search digging through the sand. When I spotted a tiny bit of black rubber peeking out at me, I felt like a kid finding the golden egg at the town easter egg hunt. I pulled Maddy's shoe out of the sand and took a victory lap around the track with it held high in the air. I had long outlasted the other athletes who might have given me a congratulatory slap on the back if they were still there, or screamed in my face that I had just wasted 2 hours of my life searching for a Vineyard Vines flip flop. My real victory was knowing that I had won over the crazy boys of the world. Finding that flip flop, some 3-D glasses, a braided headband, a dollar bill and a clown nose was just an added bonus. Girls rule, Boys drool!